8 Expert Tips to Make Your Hair Grow Fast

Discover effective and proven tips to make your hair grow faster and healthier. From nourishing your scalp to adopting the right hair care routine, these expert-recommended strategies will help you achieve longer, stronger, and more luscious locks.

Discover effective and proven tips to make your hair grow faster and healthier. From nourishing your scalp to adopting the right hair care routine, these expert-recommended strategies will help you achieve longer, stronger, and more luscious locks.

Are you longing for longer, more luxurious hair? Many factors can affect hair growth, from genetics to overall health and lifestyle choices. While there’s no magical solution for instant hair growth, there are several tips and techniques you can incorporate into your routine to promote healthy hair growth. In this blog post, we will share 10 expert tips to make your hair grow naturally and beautifully.

Nourish Your Scalp:

A healthy scalp is essential for promoting hair growth. Massage your scalp regularly to improve blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles. You can use natural oils like coconut oil or olive oil for added nourishment. Double cleanse the oils off when you wash your hair to ensure your hair is clean.

Make sure to incorporate a scalp balancing shampoo such as LOMA Nourishing Shampoo or LOMA moisturizing treatment!

Follow a Balanced Diet and Stay Hydrated:

Your hair’s health is closely tied to your overall well-being. Ensure you’re getting a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Include foods like eggs, nuts, leafy greens, and fish, which are known to promote hair growth.

Drinking an adequate amount of water is vital for maintaining hydrated hair and a healthy scalp. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to promote hair growth.

Trim Regularly:

Although it may seem counterintuitive, getting regular trims helps in hair growth. Trimming the ends removes split ends and prevents them from traveling up the hair shaft, leading to breakage and slower growth.

Check out our podcast here to learn more about why regular trims are important! Click here to read more about how to maintain your hair!

pink blowdryer picture dyson

Avoid Heat Styling and use UV protection:

Excessive use of heat styling tools can damage your hair and hinder growth. Minimize the use of blow dryers, curling irons, and straighteners, and always apply a heat protectant before styling.

Check out our other blog to discover the importance of UV protection for hair and learn effective strategies to safeguard your strands from sun damage. Explore the best practices, products, and expert tips to maintain healthy, vibrant hair in the face of harmful UV radiation.


Be Gentle with Wet Hair:

Wet hair is more prone to breakage, so handle it with care. Avoid vigorous towel-drying and opt for a soft microfiber towel or an old t-shirt to blot excess moisture. Make sure to always start at the bottom of your hair and work your way up to ensure you’re not creating more knots and tangles.

Choose the Right Hair Care Products:

Use shampoos and conditioners that are suitable for your hair type. All of them products we sell at Rebel Femme are going to be ideal for your hair type and texture. We have something for everyone. Make sure to ask your stylist which products will work best for you and your hair.

Protect Your Hair from the Sun:

UV rays can damage your hair and lead to dryness and brittleness. Protect your hair by wearing a hat or using UV-protective hair products when spending time in the sun.

While hair doesn’t burn or develop sunspots like the skin, it is still vulnerable to UV radiation. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays can cause damage to the hair cuticle, leading to dryness, color fading, frizz, and even hair breakage. UV rays can also harm the proteins that give your hair its strength and elasticity, leaving it weak and prone to damage.

Read more about protecting your hair from the sun here!

Patience and Consistency:

Remember, hair growth takes time, and it’s essential to be patient and consistent with your hair care routine. Incorporate these tips into your daily habits and stick to them to see noticeable results over time.

By following these expert tips, you can create an ideal environment for your hair to grow naturally and beautifully. Remember, healthy hair starts from within, so nourish your body, treat your hair with care, and be consistent in your efforts. Embrace the journey to longer, stronger, and more luscious locks!

Incorporating these tips into your routine will surely help you achieve the hair growth you desire. Say goodbye to those bad hair days and hello to your beautiful, flowing tresses!


About Danielle Mendoza

Danielle is a licensed hairstylist, makeup artist and lash artist at Rebel Femme Salon. She loves doing balayage, highlights, and color. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with friends, family and being active. She currently is studying at Saddleback College to get her Associates in Business.