DIY Project: Creative and Easy Glitter Wall

In this DIY project, Yadira shows you how to create an amazing glitter wall! It’s perfect if you are wanting to add sparkle in your life!

Ever wanted to know how to glitter up a wall? Or maybe you paid our salon a visit and wondered “How in the heck does this gold glitter stay on the bathroom wall?”  Well, here you have a DIY glitter wall breakdown! In this DIY project, Yadira shows you how to create an amazing glitter wall! It’s perfect if you are wanting to add sparkle in your life!

Here are the supplies that you will need:

Diy gold glitter wall
diy gold glitter wall
  1. Crystal clear mod podge
  2. 3- 5 different types of glitters
  3. Bucket
  4. Mixing stick
  5. Metal spatula

First Things First:

Make sure you place some paper/plastic on the floor by the wall you are attempting to glitter up!

It will get messy super fast and sadly not everyone digs glitter floors.

When you’ve prepared your space, the next step is essential! Grab some snacks, some alcohol, and a friend because you are in for a day!

Next  go ahead and mix a 1:1 (1 part mod podge to 1 part glitter) or 1:2 ratio of your mod podge to glitter mixture.

If you’re going 1:2 the result will be a little more transparent and less of a POW effect. If you decide to do the 1:1 ratio the glitter will be much denser and will cover most of the wall area.

Using varying sizes of glitter to help fill up space will give you more coverage.

Next use your metal spatula and apply mixture in a parallel motion so as not to scrape off what you just put on your wall.

And lastly, you wait, and wait….and wait, but you also have a friend with you so maybe you just turn each other into glittery mermaids while you wait.

Check out our video for all the steps we took to make our gold glitter bathroom.  

We hope you enjoy our new YouTube segment “Old Lady Crafts with Yadira”.  If you have a suggestion for a DIY video, comment down below!


**Beer and pizza was included in the making of the glitter wall and film.